Ballot position;Charter Commission

There seems to be a lot of discussion about this issue.
Let’s clear it up. Read on.
Read Massachusetts general Law. Chapter 43B, section 6.
Here is a link to the CHAPTER 43B. HOME RULE PROCEDURES. Table of Contents;

For those who don’t wish to review the Home rule procedures, icluded below is section 6.

The underline and bold are my doing and do not appear in the States version. (The text has not been modified).


Chapter 43B: Section 6. Charter commission; number of members; election

Section 6. A charter commission shall consist of nine registered voters of the city or town elected at large and by official ballot, without party or political designation, at an election held in accordance with this chapter.

The names of the candidates nominated in accordance with section five shall be placed on such ballot in alphabetical order, preceded by an instruction to the effect that a voter may vote for not more than nine persons as charter commission members whether or not he favors the election of a charter commission.

The question of electing a commission to adopt or revise the charter shall be placed on such ballot in the form prescribed by the constitution.

If a majority of the votes cast upon the question of adopting or revising the charter is in the affirmative, the nine candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.

If a majority of the votes cast upon the question is in the affirmative, the city or town clerk shall notify the director of housing and community development of such affirmative vote and said director shall notify such commission of the dates for submission of their reports and the available date or dates that such report can be placed on its ballots.

Hope this clears up some of the confusion. If you continue to have questions write and I’ll gladly reply.

admin posted at 2009-10-8 Category: Charter

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