FOI stands for Freedom of Information.
There are Federal and State statutes that cover this.
At the Municipal level we tend to use the State code.
I have a standard form that I created and use repeatedly.
I thought it might be instructive to track a request through the process.
So, here goes.
Yesterday I wrote a request. Here is the meat of that request.
This is a request under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M. G. L. Chapter 66, Section 10).
I am requesting that I be provided copies of the following document(s):
Data may be supplied in a format compatible with Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word on CD or electronically emailed.
I am requesting a copy of any (and all) resolution, ordinance, order or executive order that created the Ad Hoc City Council Consolidation Committee.
I also request copies of the appointments to this Committee.
This Committee has been mentioned at numerous meetings and the Chair is Jennifer Kannan.
I wrote and saved this request at 3:45pm on June 29th.
I went to City Hall today.
I filed the request with the City Clerk, requested and received a dated receipt at 10:47AM on June 30th.
The City Clerk is, by law, the keeper of records and thus the request goes to the Clerk.
The Clerk has ten BUSINESS days to respond.
This would mean that my request must be answered by July 14th.
There are three basic outcomes:
1. Receive the requested materials.
2. Receive a Letter or Written communication explaining why the request was turned down
3. No response at all.
I have seen all three.
Item 2 & 3 have an appeal process to the Secretary of State office.
Process is underway, i will post as the process moves forward.