Archive for 2012

Quinn the Mighty… (2012-6-3)

The Supreme Judicial Court has issued an opinion. Not this week, but back in March of this year. Oh, you hadn’t heard. No doubt with Unions negotiating with the City we have not heard a peep about it. Headlines read: QUINN BILL – BAD NEWS FOR MASSACHUSETTS POLICE. Not a sound in the Eagle Tribune […]

Arbitrator gives back vehicles (2012-6-3)

You may have missed this in the press. Also note that the Mayor never mentioned that his Executive Order was overturned. Executive Order NO. 013-2008; Executive Order NO. 019-2009 Reported in Labor news throughout America. Don’t you think it might be important to know in Methuen? Copied from here [] “Arbitrator Orders Massachusetts City To […]

Your Budget (2012-5-31)

This has been going on for years. Just because ” we’ve always done it this way”, doesn’t make it right. Here is the City Council Agenda for next Monday, June 4, 2012. It could be any June in the recent past. 11. NEW BUSINESS Resolutions: 1. TR-12-27 Resolution Providing for the Adoption of the Fiscal […]

Mayoral Car (2012-4-12)

There are previous posts on the topic of  Take Home Vehicles and the policy for the same in the City of Methuen. Some feel that my “complaints” are small things and not worth writing, reading or taking any action over. There’s a saying that goes, “Those who don’t know how to be grateful on small […]

Open (2012-3-6)

You may have noticed that my approach is to fix the existing problems and issues with municipal governent and then move on from there. Here is one that begs for repair in an age of openness. This is from the Municipal code. Section 6-1. Authorization Pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 108A and 108C […]

Open door, huh! (2012-3-1)

I sent the following email to my At-Large Councilor and current City Council Chair. Dated 02/23/12 @ 10:05 AM Dear Council Chair, As you are aware, I have questioned the Council about the Consolidation Committee in the past. The issue of the IT Department in the recent news and debated at Council has prompted me […]

sleight of hand (2012-2-24)

Written originally 10/22/ 2009. I listened to the Mann Orchard town hall meeting last night. I was surrounded by my family and we all listened. I noted some egregious mis-truths perpetrated by one candidate. Political expediency seems to breed this. I was a member of two Water and Sewer Task forces. These were groups organized […]

New Additions (2012-2-23)

Not sure how many people take the time to look at the sidebar. We try to keep active, relevant sites linked there. Recently added two more in the “of Interest” category. Take a few minutes and click through. Read, think about and leave feedback on your thoughts. The Institute for Local Government [ILG] states, “ILG […]