Wind Power.
Though there appears to be no end to the amount of wind power generated during an election season, the City of Methuen has had a study done to determine the feasability of installing a wind turbine on top of the hill at the Town Forest.
I provide the study here. It was completed by UMASS Wind Energy Center.
The Methuen Community Wind Project began in December of 2008. Have you heard of it?
It will require the construction of a ROAD in the Town Forest and a variance of usage.
The Town Forest is protected Open Space in perpetuity.
That will need to change to install the tower or two.
I am not against Wind power but I am concerned about giving up Open Space, especially at the Town Forest.
Why can’t the turbine be built at the Town Yard? There is room there and it would be visible to visitors driving up and down Route 93. A kind of welcome to Methuen, we are a Green community signpost.
Pie Hill is another good location. Why not at the LOOP?
Citizen discussion should begin and suitable locations chosen. I do not consider locations which are Open Recreational space as suitable for a wind turbine. But I will keep an open mind about options.