Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Your Cash is no good here. (2010-10-13)

All the paper money that I have states ” This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private”. Except, the City of Methuen does not accept cash from it’s citizens to pay their debts to the City. The City website states: “Cash Payments No Longer Accepted: As of August 1, 2010, cash payments […]

Texting Ban (2010-10-2)

Does the texting ban apply to all? Here is a post from the Boston Globe; Taken from that article is the following; “Boston police officials said that officers in traffic units across the city will be on the lookout for violators, and they plan to target young drivers, who tend to be the worst offenders […]

Solar Power (2010-9-10)

Just in case you missed the event, as I did; The old Columbo plant in Methuen has moved into the 21st Century. After deleting the Columbo brand to concentrate on the General Mills Yoplait brand, the plant has upgraded it’s facilities to reduce cost and use the sun for a large part of it’s energy […]

Wind Power. (2010-9-10)

Though there appears to be no end to the amount of wind power generated during an election season, the City of Methuen has had a study done to determine the feasability of installing a wind turbine on top of the hill at the Town Forest. I provide the study here. It was completed by UMASS […]

Privatize Government???? (2010-7-2)

Was reading Yahoo web today and saw this article. Copied. (Link to original) Raised the question in my mind; Why can’t Methuen investigate the cost of all city services? Assume they were privatized. Then either bring the municipal budget in line with that or actually privatize the functions? Read the story and decide for yourself. […]

2010 Census Return Rate (2010-4-15)

How well or poorly is your neighborhood doing at returning United States Census Forms for 2010? Want to Know? This is from the Census Bureau; It is updated daily. The Census Bureau 2010 slogan is TAKE 10. Check here; City Map If you enter your zip code, a map will appear. It is color coded […]

Thinking about Unemployement (2010-4-11)

As the City begins looking at another bleak budget forecast and negotiations with it’s labor unions, let’s hope they keep these numbers in mind. The State of Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Unemployment Assistance has released the latest data on unemployement for all of Massachusetts and the Cities and Towns […]

Mayoral Vehicle Policy [MVP] (2010-3-21)

Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 – 21 December 1375) was an Italian author/poet and an important Renaissance humanist. One quote from him is “Do as we say, and not as we do” . BY HIS HONOR WILLIAM M. MANZI, III MAYOR EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 019-2009 ORDER REGARDING CITY OWNED VEHICLES WHEREAS, The City of Methuen has been […]

Flood Plain Action Plan-one view (2010-3-21)

I have been extremely remiss this month. Not one post. That does not mean that I have been neglectfull. Just busy. Flooding is still on my mind. Another flood event has just come and gone in the past week. Many times I have been asked what can be done? Lot’s of people think the City […]

Weekend Weather (2010-2-27)

Again we have had rain. Lot’s of rain. In fact the rain guage at the USGS station nearest to Methuen showed about 3.5 inches of rain in the past 4 days. The Spicket River rose. I have found, by watching the guages, for the last few years that a simple seat-of-the-pants rule can be derived. […]